Aksaray University
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty Committee

Prof. Dr. Tahir KARAŞAHİN (President)

Prof. Dr. İlker ÇAMKERTEN (Head of Dept. Clinical Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Yücel ÜNAL (Head of Dept. Zootechnics and Animal Nutrition)

Prof. Dr. Hüdai İPEK (Head of Dept. Basic Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZ (Head of Dept. Preclinical Sciences)

Prof. Dr. Mustafa ARDIÇ (Head of Dept. Food Hygiene and Technologies)

Prof. Dr. Tahir KARAŞAHİN

Prof. Dr. Hidayet Metin ERDOĞAN


Prof. Dr. Ramazan İLGÜN  

Assoc. Prof. Caner ÖZTÜRK

Assoc. Prof. Güzin ÖZKURT 

Asst. Prof. Tamer KAYAR